100% remote friendly

Build A Connected & Successful Team. In A Remote Work Setup.

Building Better Teams is a guided masterclass for founders and leaders who want to build healthy and successful teams. It combines a unique curriculum, lots of practical tools, and hands-on mentorship from successful CEOs and founders.

Schedule a Free Call

100% remote friendly

The Future Of Work Is Remote

But It's Hard To Make It Work!

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

Lack of Social Connection

Unclear Communication

Lots of Misunderstandings

A Flood of Chat Messages

A Million Distractions

No Sense of Community

Too Much Stress

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

Lack of Social Connection

Unclear Communication

We Can Show
You How To
Get There!

With The Right Tools And Culture,
Every Team Can Become A Thriving Remote Team!

Strong social connection
Clear communication
No more misunderstandings
Fewer distractions, more focus
A strong sense of community
Reduced stress, increased resilience
Effective meetings
What happens
if you can
make it work?

A Healthy And Productive Culture Is An Incredible Competitive Advantage For Your Company

statistics about scientific studies providing the benefits of building strong, people-first cultures. 20% more productive, 50% less employee turnover, and up to 2.5x increase in revenue growth.
Who Wouldn't
Want That?

How Can You Build such a Culture in a Remote Team?

This masterclass offers a proven and reliable roadmap. We’ll show you how to deliberately design and build a better company culture, in a remote work environment.

Get Access

to the best tools and frameworks.


from CEOs and founders with proven track records.

Get Guidance

fully tailored to your needs and situation.

What Our Alumni Say

"We wanted to shape a more positive and productive team dynamic. And we got so many great, action-oriented ideas and tools out of this masterclass! What I loved the most was that there was always space to work on my specific questions. Tobi didn't just stick to the agenda — he took the time to meet and address our real-life challenges!"

Kathrin Marks

Head of Fundraising & Communication, Stiftung Stay

“I loved how structured and action-oriented this masterclass was. I learned so many new tools and inspirations — and only as much theory as necessary. All of this helped us make the changes we hoped for: deeper relationships and much more transparency and accountability in our team!”

Benny Schaich

Founder & CEO, aucobo GmbH

“Remote work had stretched us to our limits: we had too many meetings, our old ways of communicating and collaborating didn't work anymore, and we were missing a clear direction. Working with Tobi solved many of these problems for us: our teamwork became more focused and calm, our collaboration improved, and our meetings turned out to be fun! Also, I loved having access to all of those ready-to-use templates and resources! Made things much easier!”

Felicitas Proelss

Member of the Board, W11K

“If you're serious about this — if you want to build a culture of feedback, mutual respect and appreciation — then there's no better option than this masterclass. You'll make real progress with your team and build an amazing culture.”

Vincent Osterloh


"Our team has grown pretty fast... much faster, unfortunately, than our structure and relationships within the team! But this masterclass has been a great help for us: we became more efficient and — at the same time — built a much stronger team spirit!"

Vera Zanker

People & Culture Manager, premano

“I was scratching my head on how to build a shared, healthy culture — especially as a new and fully remote team. And I know I would *still* be scratching my head if I hadn't taken the masterclass. It helped us build more trust and transparency; provide more flexibility for everyone; and create a much greater sense of community and commitment in the team. I can't recommend it enough!”

Jens Schmelzle

CEO & Co-Founder, Fryd

“If you're looking to build an open, human culture in your company, you should join this masterclass.”

Gitta Baumann-Brajdic

Head of People & Culture, treeva GmbH

“The program helped us build a more connected team, with better communication and healthier, more robust structures. Apart from the program itself, I loved that Tobi went beyond the curriculum with us: thanks to his rich experience, we could bring our own, unique challenges to the table and always received unique, individual solutions.”

Bettina Rajsich

People & Culture Specialist, pragmatic industries

“As a relatively new leadership team, we were looking for a healthy balance: between remote work and the office; between micromanagement and trust. And indeed, working together as a leadership team has improved tremendously after taking the masterclass! Apart from that, we learned a ton of new tools and frameworks. I was especially grateful that we received so many ready-to-use templates / workbooks / resources: this saved us so much time when we actually implemented all of the changes!”

Daniel Ostertag

Head of Development Cooperation, Stiftung Stay

"With his experience and empathy, Tobi is a perfect partner for those who want to better understand themselves and their team. If you want to develop a modern, productive and stress-free way to work with your team, I can't recommend this masterclass enough!"

Matthias Schnizler

Founder & CEO, premano

A Masterclass Unlike Any Other

Made For & Made By

& Leaders

This program is designed and led by experienced founders and leaders with our own, proven track-records.

We’ve been building successful teams and companies for almost 20 years.

The curriculum is full of hands-on tools and frameworks —  from our own experience as CEOs and founders.

You can bring real cases and challenges from your own team. We're here to help and coach you.

Focused on

& Proven

Tools, Not Theory

Remote &

Teams Alike

We’ve been building remote teams since 2010.

We teach the underlying principles because they're critical to the success of any modern organization. Not just those without an office.

12 Essential Topics
In 12 Monthly Modules

Here’s a sneak peek into the topics we cover inside the masterclass. You can see that we go way beyond the usual “cookie-cutter” leadership and team building topics.

Leadership for Culture
Remote Work
Stress + Resilience
Focus + Flexibility
Involving Your Team
Internal Communication
Psychological Safety
Hiring & Onboarding
Communication Formats
Leadership for Culture
Remote Work
Stress + Resilience
Focus + Flexability
Involving Your Team
Internal Communication
Psychological Safety
Hiring & Onboarding
Team Offsites
You’ll find everything you need to build a true world-class team.

How This Masterclass Works

One Module Per Month

Every month we pick a single topic to focus on.

This guarantees that we can explore it in depth – and that you have enough time to implement it and make a real, lasting impact with your team.

A Little Theory, a Lot of Practice

We explain why things matter, we provide context and even scientific studies.

But most importantly, we offer practical tools and frameworks. And we deliver them complete with templates, worksheets and agendas so you're ready to implement them in your own teams, instantly.

Designed for Busy Schedules

Most of our members don't have a lot of time. That's why we designed Building Better Teams for people with a busy schedule.

We're careful to keep live sessions to a minimum.

And if you miss one, you can always watch the recording later.

Master One New Topic Every Month

Month by month and topic by topic, you're on your way to build a world-class team


on demand

Learn The Tools And Frameworks


live session

Learn with a healthy mix of...

Theory and scientific backgrounds
Practical tools and frameworks
Lots of hands-on workshopping
A clear roadmap for implementation
1-on-1 Mentoring

live session

Solve Your Real-Life Challenges

Office Hours

live session

Bring real challenges from your team and we’ll...

Work through problems together
Explain and clarify important concepts
Coach you through specific cases
Answer your questions
Focus Sprint


From Theory to Implementation

Focus Sprint

asynchronously in the community

Implement our strategies in your own team...

Start building and improving what we’ve discussed
Involve your team in an optimal way
Get support and feedback from Tobi & Kai
...in your own time and customized to your needs
Additional Coaching

as needed

Additional 1-on-1 Sessions If Needed

1-0n-1 Coaching

on demand

We are here to help you, whenever you need us...

Flexibly schedule time with one of us
Go into your specific cases, in depth
Work out detailed solutions
Get hands-on, individual advice
Resources + Materials

on demand

Save Time And Effort

Resources + Materials

on demand

Take advantage of our high-quality, ready-to-use resources like...

Cheat Sheets
Workshop Agendas
Documentation templates
Additional reading materials

At Your Own Pace

Let’s face it: there might be a month where you just have too many other obligations. We’ll make it work nonetheless and schedule everything to fit your individual needs and reality.

Unlock Growth On Three Levels

Your Organization

Move from an incidental and haphazard culture to one that is carefully and deliberately designed — to grow, support, and last.

The People in Your Team

Minimize stress, conflicts and misunderstandings in your team. And nurture better communication, deeper relationships, and stronger commitment.

You as a Leader

Gain confidence in yourself as a leader. Achieve ambitious goals without sacrificing a positive, collaborative, and people-first culture.

Created & Led By
Experienced Founders & Leaders

Both Of Us Have

almost 20 years of experience
started multiple businesses (co-located and fully remote)
grown them to 7+ figures, 100+ employees
achieved successful exits
But Most Importantly We Have Created Exceptional Teams Full of Wonderful People!
Tobi profile photo

Hi, I'm Tobias

"You can be successful in business and treat people with respect and kindness. There’s no conflict in this. We can achieve both!"

I've been an entrepreneur and a CEO for almost 20 years. During this time, I started 4 companies, made 2 of them profitable, and successfully sold my last one. Together with an amazing team, I grew this last one to over 100,000 customers in companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon before it was acquired in 2021.

I started introducing remote work already in 2010 (and found ways to actually make it work).

I’m also a trained and certified mindfulness teacher, donate 10 % of my income to charity every year – and am openly addicted to green tea.

LinkedIn iconwebsite icon
Kai profile photo

Hi, I’m Kai!

"A great team gives a company superpowers. You can build it by implementing a people-first culture  and embodying these principles daily."

In my journey as an entrepreneur of more than 15 years, I've built a broad range of businesses: from services to software products, from tiny teams to more than 150 people, from bootstrapped to VC-backed, and one with 10 international locations.

Over many years, I've also consulted and mentored countless founders and leaders on their own journeys, currently focusing on everything GreenTech.

I’m an avid triathlete, climber and trail runner and love any kind of outdoor adventures.

LinkedIn iconwebsite icon
Nice to meet you!
We hope it's a match!

Who Is Building Better Teams For?

Building Better Teams Is A Perfect Fit For You If...

You understand that teams must build a culture of trust, respect, and accountability – if they want to find a sustainable path to success.
You want to learn the tools and practices to build such a culture.
You want less drama, fewer misunderstandings and conflicts in your team.
You want to create a culture that works remotely just as well as in the office.
You want to see stronger relationships in your team and create a more resilient organization overall.
You want to encourage both high performance and healthy community.
You want to stop fire-fighting and feeling stressed — and instead use your energy for more productive things.
You want to grow your team and your business, but also yourself as a leader and a human.

Building Better Teams Is NOT A Good Fit For You If...

You’re looking for shortcuts and quick fixes to “make your team perform”.
You believe that you can only have either a healthy and happy team -or- a successful and high-performance team.
You think that leaders have to use pressure and micromanagement to get results.
You think a positive culture is just bells and whistles — instead of a critical ingredient to an organization’s success.

A Powerful Curriculum
& A Proven Roadmap

This masterclass goes much deeper than a simple "team building course". The topics we cover will build a strong foundation — for a thriving team and a successful company.

Leadership For Culture

A strong, positive company culture is only possible with the right kind of leadership. Learn why “One-on-Ones” and “Agreements” are the most important tools in any leader’s tool belt — and how to master them. Because although many leaders know them, only few are using them correctly!

Remote Work Fundamentals

Building a remote team can be challenging — but also incredibly rewarding! Because the principles behind remote work can make organizations more flexible, productive, and resilient. Understand the common challenges that remote teams face — and learn the tips, tricks, and tools for building a remote team that thrives!

Involving Your Team

How exactly you involve your team matters a lot. We’ll do it safely and carefully. We'll include doubters, skeptics, and worriers. We'll make sure to reduce concerns and create anticipation. We'll get your team off to a good start.


The more socially connected a team is, the more successful it can be. Help your team increase the number and quality of their relationships. Continuously and reliably, through a thoughtfully designed process.

Psychological Safety

Research has shown what it takes to create high-performance teams: not only IQ points, but most of all psychological safety. Learn how to build an environment where your team can do their best work — by establishing trust, respect, and humility.

Communication Formats

Communication serves many different purposes in teams: to discuss ideas, solve problems, keep everyone up-to-date, or simply connect as human beings... Discover a wide array of communication formats. And implement the ones your team needs to stay productive.

Focus + Flexibility

Teams become distracted, unfocused, and stressed if we don’t protect their time and attention. Learn to use time management on an organizational level to create a more flexible structure. Optimize for focus and deep work with tools like asynchronous communication.

Internal Communication

Meetings, emails, chat messages: many teams find that their internal communication has taken over most of their schedule. Unwillingly, we’ve prioritized communication over focused work! Learn how to take back control and make focused work — not constant communication — your number one priority.


We can only interact competently when we know ourselves — as a group and as individuals. Help people learn more about each other and themselves. To make your collaboration more effective and frictionless.


Feedback is the basis for learning and improvement, both critical ingredients for a successful organization. Learn a step-by-step roadmap to introduce and foster feedback — to make it a regular, safe, and constructive habit in your team.

Stress + Resilience

A stressed team is not open to change — or high performance! Learn why stress is a $1 trillion problem. Understand the role it plays in your own organization. And take concrete, proven steps to reduce stress and build resilience in your team.

Hiring + Onboarding

Finding and attracting the right people for your team makes all the difference. Learn how to design a hiring process that’s reliable and predictable. So you can be sure to always find the right people for you — and avoid painful hiring mistakes.

Ready to Build a World-Class Team? Let's Talk!

How Much Money Is A Masterclass On Team Building And Company Culture Worth?

Consider the following questions, supported by stats and studies

Time for some
How much does it cost if you lose an employee?

It will cost 1.5-2.0 times that employee's annual salary when you lose an employee, according to a Deloitte estimate.

Here's the Math:

happy employee


annual salary

Replace an

$90 – 100k

for Hiring, Onboarding,
Training, Ramp-Up

How much can you benefit by investing in culture and team building?

A study from Harvard showed that investing in culture and team building has a significant positive effect on a company's bottom line.

Researchers compared more than 200 companies and found that “a strong culture increases net income 765% over ten years.”

Return of Culture Investment

Ten Years of
strong Culture



Net Income Increase

How much does it cost if your employees are disengaged?

According to Gallup and others, disengaged employees cost their companies the equivalent of 18 – 34 % of their annual salaries.

Your Hidden Payroll Costs:



18 – 34%

of annual salary

How can you protect one of your largest investments?

For many knowledge work companies, salaries are one of their biggest investments. When you add up the numbers and look at your total salary spend for last year... how much would you pay to secure this huge investment?

The best way to do this is by creating a strong and healthy company culture, where your employees can and want to perform at their best.

Feel Confident In Your Decision

We want you to feel 100% confident in your decision.

Money-Back Guarantee

If, within 30 days after joining, you are not satisfied, we’ll happily refund your full payment.

No questions asked, no hard feelings.

Reach Out to
Our Alumni

Feel free to talk to an alumni and ask them about their experience. Let us know and we’ll get you in touch.

Talk to Us

If you have any questions, at any time.

And if you want to get to know us and see if we have the right chemistry, you can always book a free call to say hello.


How big or small should my team be?

It doesn't matter how many people you have on your team: if you have a team, you should start becoming deliberate about building the best version of it. In other words: there is no upper or lower limit in terms of team members.

That being said, if it's currently "just you and a co-founder", we suggest waiting until you have your first couple of colleagues. A great size to start is when you have around 5 people.

What’s the time commitment in order to benefit from the masterclass?

We know that our members — mostly founders and leaders — all have a busy calendar. We took this into account when designing this masterclass:

  • Learning materials that you can consume at any time, whenever it works best for you.
  • One core live session per month, scheduled individually with you.
  • Additional coaching sessions, if you need them.
  • Lots of resources that are ready for immediate use and will save you a ton of time (e.g. documentation templates, workshop schedules, one-on-one agendas, ...).
  • All topics are prepared in such a way that there's only one thing left for you to do: implement them in your team!

Overall, you should plan for the following for each module:

  • each month: 1 live session of 90 minutes
  • each week: 1-2 hours implementing what you learn

To summarize: as a rough guideline, you should plan on spending around 2 hours per week to get the most out of the masterclass.

Can I bring one of my leadership colleagues?

You're welcome to bring additional members of your leadership team to the program. Up to 3 people can join with no additional costs.

What’s your refund policy?

We want to make this as risk-free as possible for you. And we want all of our members to be 100% satisfied.

Therefore, if you are not satisfied within 30 days after joining, we’ll happily refund your full payment.

No questions asked, no hard feelings.